You can view event specific volunteer needs through our Plan Hero platform. This is great for parents and other volunteers who are looking to help for just an afternoon or small commitment. Click below for instructions on how to login into Plan Hero and view our volunteer needs.
How you sign up to volunteer: Click the one of the links above and it will take you to the volunteer page for that event. From there it will walk you through the steps to sign up to be a Fine Arts Booster Volunteer and list any upcoming volunteer opportunities:
Volunteer Opportunities & Responsibilities
Do you have a particular passion within the fine arts or a specific skill set you want to share? Take a look some of the project based volunteer opportunities below! If you are interested in one, email us at [email protected]!
Keep up to date with input from directors & officers
Maintain calendar
Promote fundraising activities and restaurant nights
Coordinate web hosting & domain name procurement
Marching Season Coordinator
Coordinate snacks for band camp
Coordinates snacks and water bottles for games and competitions
Assist uniform coordinator
Schedule volunteers to assist with serving snacks at events
Uniform Coordinator
Inventory and organize all uniforms
Coordinate volunteers to hem and repair uniforms, tuxes and dresses
Fit uniforms for marching season
Fit tuxes and dresses for concert season
Coordinate cleaning of uniforms
Pit Crew
Coordinate volunteers to move stands, flags, weapons, props, sound and percussion equipment on and off the field during games
Coordinate volunteers to design & build props or other equipment, if needed
Coordinate with directors for their pit requirements
FundRaising Coordinator
Develop new fundraising ideas
Coordinates with businesses for donations
Coordinates with VP for supplies
Make recommendations for Merchandise Store - t shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, etc.
Silent Auction & Raffles
Concession stands for Solo/Ensemble, Recitals, or other Events
Restaurant Fundraiser Coordinator
Schedule 1-2 restaurant fundraisers each month
Promote all events on social media
Communicate all events to district directors
Work with webmaster
Publicity & Social Media Coordinator
Distribute/Request press releases
Work with student writer on The Blaze
Promote booster fundraising events with local media
Promote events for all programs on RLASFAB Facebook Page
Spirit & Hospitality Coordinators
Coordinate and plan for special events - End of Summer Marching Party, Middle School Invitations to Homecoming and Basketball Band Night, FRAP Days
Assist with snacks for Marching Panthers
Assist with Fine Arts Banquet registration
Middle School Coordinators - 1 RLMS and 1 Magee
Encourage communications between Boosters and Middle School
Assist with communication of fundraiser activities at the middle school level
Organize volunteers to represent the boosters at middle school events
Volunteer Coordinator
Coordinates volunteers for all Booster events. Will coordinate with the chairperson of each event to establish number of volunteers needed
Call to welcome incoming parents
Sponsorship Coordinator
Organize an annual sponsorship program for the program in consultation with directors
Contact companies in coordination with fundraising coordinator
Officer Roles & Responsibilities
Prepare agenda for booster meetings and share with webmaster and directors
Run booster meetings
Fill in for missing officers
Main representative to the Fine Arts Directors
Executes requests by directors
Manages finances with treasurer
Recruits and supports Booster Executive Board Officers
Primary contact for band parents
Generates ideas for new projects
Coordinate communication between directors and booster organization
Coordinate communication among booster officers
Cosigns checks
Purchases/keeps inventory of supplies & equipment for boosters
Assists President and fills in during absence of President.
Maintain storage closet inventory
Assist with fundraising activities
Assist with Fine Arts Banquet
Takes minutes of all meetings
Prepares minutes for approval at next meeting
Generates correspondence and thank you notes on behalf of the boosters
Prepares budget and reports for approval at next meeting