If you click the logo above, you will see a kind of marching band registry. It lists items we need for the season, what we use it for, and how many. We would be extremely grateful if you could help support one of the items on our list. There a variety of items starting at $10 and going up from there. Whatever you can support, we appreciate! And if this is something that doesn't fit in your budget, we greatly appreciate it if you could share this information with others to spread the word!
Our wishlist works like anything else you purchase on Amazon. When you choose the shipping address, you should see a "Round Lake Music" option. Choose that, pay for it, and it will get sent straight to the Marching Panthers. Please share and help make our season a success!
Any donations are tax-deductible. The Round Lake Fine Arts Boosters are a 501c3 not-for-profit organization (61-1901045).